
Happy Birthday Monero!

Monero turned 9 years old today, on April 18th. It currently sits at a price of $162.23

Happy Birthday Monero

I have a lot of plans for this website. Just trying to find the time to work on it.

In honor of Monero’s birthday, I wanted to give 9 facts about Monero.

  1. The smallest unit that can be sent of Monero is the Piconero which is 0.000000000001 Monero.
  2. Monero’s all-time high Market cap was 6.19 billion. (It is currently at 2.94 billion)
  3. Only two of the original 7 founders of Monero are not anonymous.
  4. Monero was originally named Bitmonero.
  5. Monero is Open-Source and has over hundreds of developers working to improve and update it.
  6. Coinbase has never listed Monero.
  7. Dubai banned Monero and privacy coins in early 2023.
  8. Monero is fungible.
  9. Monero has a community crowdfunding system, which can be found here CCS – Community Crowdfunding System (CCS) (getmonero.org) to help improve the currency over time!

Happy Birthday Monero!

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